World Optimizer Club

The team


name Jacob Feldman

Born in Odessa, Ukraine, USSR, 1957
Family status - married + son
Education - Moscow State University, Dep of Math and Computers, MSc in applied math
Languages - Russian native, English fluently, Hebrew well
Hobby - Russian poetry, English poetry, humanities.


2002 - now, Petrozavodskmash, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia

2000 - 2001 - Sprint, Kansas city, KS; MCI Worldcom, Colorado Springs, CO; Tivoli, Austin, TX, USA

1999 - 2000 - MFTI, Moscow, Russia for NorTel, NJ, USA

1992 - 1999 - VCI, TelAviv; Algorithmic Research, TelAviv; Telrad, Lod, Electronic Games, KiriatGat - Israel

1978 - 1992 - Economic Research Institute, Moscow; Municipal Computing Center, Moscow; Zenit, Moscow, Russia